
Showing posts from April, 2024

History and The Planning Stage

She said, “Why don’t you come and spend the summer with me at the Funny Farm ?” “She” is Alene, my dear friend of 45 years.  The “Funny Farm” is a place near Ogallala, NE that Alene and her husband purchased with her sister and brother-in-law about 25 years ago.  Their kids were young adults, their first grandchild was just born and everyone loved to water ski, jet ski and just play in Lake McConaughy. They had a blast and laughed till they cried. They decided that the perfect name would be The Funny Farm.  Jerry, Alene’s husband, died 15 years ago. Tragically, he had just retired. A couple years later, Alene bought her sister and brother-in-law’s share of the Funny Farm (I’ll shorten this going forward to FF.) Since then, Alene’s daughter, Abbey, and her two girls along with other family and friends have enjoyed time at the FF. Sadly, it’s probably time to sell for a variety of reasons but mostly due to the shortage of water.  I know Alene loves the peace being at the FF. It’s a simpl