I asked Alene this morning, as I do every day, how old she is. She usually says she doesn’t know but she remembers the year she was born. She can’t do the math though to get to her age.

This morning she answered the question with, “let’s see, I’m 85”. I told her that she’s 76 and she didn’t know whether to be happy or sad. Happy because she’s younger than what she thought, or sad because she thinks she’s older than she is. She said maybe she feels 85. Although she said she feels good today. 

We had a huge storm last night about midnight that lasted for two hours. The wind blew, it rained hard and so much thunder and lightning!  There’s inches of water on our walking path in the dips in the road so we weren’t able to walk that direction and the other direction is laden with those nasty stickers. 

My sister in law, Darlene, watched the video of Herman the snake and said it’s a bull snake, mostly harmless. She said they’re good about 90% of the time. Well, what about the other 10% of the time? Still not a fan even though they eat rodents and other stuff. 

The A/C worked yesterday for the most part so maybe there was a frozen coil that needed to thaw. Someone is still supposed to come look at it. It’s very cool this morning even though it’s supposed to get to 90 degrees. The next two days will be very cool with Wednesday maybe not getting to 70. I’m good with that!

The kid isn’t coming until tomorrow to pick up the 5th wheel so we just put in a dvd, Gran Torino. Good movie for sure!

We had another discussion about her dementia this morning. This will be my next post. 


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