
 About 3 pm I decided to come inside from the porch. After the Herman episode and walking in the grass and being outside much of the day, I was getting eaten alive by mosquitoes and whatever else attacked my arms, neck and legs. I itched all over and needed to shower. 

Alene said she was going to clean up the porch before she came in. I told her I would help her before going in and she pleaded with me to let her do this on her own. She said she needed to feel like she could accomplish something on her own. I said okay and came inside. 

So she did sweep and hose down the porch and the rugs and cleaned off the double picnic tables, eliminated any cobwebs and lingering dust and dirt and she did a good job. I know she felt accomplished. I felt good for her. 

Many endless questions came up throughout the day like how old DanaRiley is and how I rescued her. She still didn’t know how old she is but knew the year she was born. She asks me a lot of the same questions about my parents and siblings every day while sharing repeated information about her parents and her sister, Carol. 

All in all, it was a good day. Tomorrow, Monday, the 5th wheel trailer leaves the premises in the hands of Jareth, a 21 year old just learning about life. 

Cleaning the porch and hating having her picture taken!


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