
I brought three books with me on this trip. One is Confessions of a Spy, which I’m reading now. It’s a true story about Aldrich Ames, a former CIA employee who becomes a spy for Russia. I love these kind of books-spies and true stories.

A John Grisham book and a James Patterson book are the other two. Alene said she wanted to read the John Grisham book. I know she struggles to focus on things and she’s really tried, but watching her read this book has been uncomfortable.  She’s skipped pages, gone back to the beginning several times and stayed on one page for hours. I asked her yesterday what the book was about. She had her page marked close to half way through. She said it was about these lawyers sitting around discussing how to defend their client. I asked what the client did that he needed lawyers; she said she didn’t know because they hadn’t said yet in the book. Tonight she's back on page 52. I’m proud of her for trying.  

We’re both tired tonight. I was up at 5:00 am to walk with DanaRiley. Alene was up at 7:30 which is early for her. She did nap a couple of times today in her chair for a total of 2-3 hours. She’s still exhausted. So we’re getting ready to hit the sack. 

Tomorrow will be a big day with Doug coming from Denver with the potential buyer of the 5th wheel trailer. She’s looking forward to seeing cousin Doug!


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