
 Happy Father’s Day to all the dads in my life! I was close with my dad and during the last couple years of his life, I was his caregiver. Easy? No, but so very rewarding. It’s the best thing I’ve done in my life. 

After my mom died, dad was very ill. We got him better and in 2017, I took him on a road trip and we were gone about 6 weeks. I blogged that trip-it was very fun for the most part! This website I’m using now holds that blog titled “90” if anyone is interested in reading-

Alene talks so much about her parents now. I’ve learned so much more in the past week than I ever knew about her mom and dad. I think I’d met her dad once before he died. Her mom though, lived with Jerry and Alene for around 15 years so I got to know Lorene. She was so naive and very funny in her naivety! 

Alene and I would go to Vegas for many years for a long weekend just to have fun and see shows. We DID have fun!  Well, one year we decided to bring our moms. Lorene and Rosemary were so excited! One night we decided to bring them to a Chippendales show. OMG!

 We tipped the guy doing the seating so we could get a table close to the stage and we ended up front and center! Alene gave her mom several one dollar bills and she asked “what am I supposed to do with these?”  Alene said that when one of the male dancers comes by, you stuff it into his waistband. Lorene was “Oh Oh Oh my, I don’t know if I can do that!” When a dancer would come by, she closed her eyes and very quickly put a bill in his waistband! She was so proud of herself and we were laughing so hard at her!

When the Chippendales asked for a volunteer to come up on stage, we volunteered my mom. Now my mom had recently had a hip replacement so once on the stage, I hoped I wouldn’t regret this because they laid her down on the floor on her back and took turns dancing over her!

The whole room was clapping and laughing and yes, mom was even laughing!  They gently got her up and she returned to our table with thunderous applause!  I thanked God that she was okay!  We didn’t tell dad for many, many years about this and when we did, he laughed too! It was a fun and memorable trip. 

So, Happy Father’s Day to the dads that put up with all of us. 

Alene is still sleeping. I’m ready for another cup of coffee so more later…


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