Don’t Say No

It’s a very blustery morning! It’s one of those days when you walk you feel like you come back covered in dirt. Also, the tumbleweeds are flying around and it brings back memories of my childhood where tumbleweeds were a part of life. I haven’t seen them in many years and certainly not out east where I live now.

 Alene had a tough evening last night. Late afternoon she asked me if I would come live with her at the FF. I said, “no, I have a home. I love where I live.”  She asked me if I’d come spend the winter with her at the FF. again I said no.  She began making her emotional appeal and asking me again and again. She gave me all the reasons that made sense to her for me to live here. She begged me not to say no.

My answer didn’t waiver and she began to pout first and then cry.

I’ve read that you shouldn’t argue/disagree with dementia patients-that you should “just go with what they’re saying”.  I’m not sure if this particular occasion applies, but I could not give her false hope. My heart was breaking. 

Her dementia was in a higher gear. She couldn’t remember if we’d eaten dinner. She was fidgety and exhausted. She started asking me about 8:30 if I was ready to go to bed and I told her that I was going to read for awhile but that she should go ahead and crawl into her bed. I suggested she take a shower, that she’d feel better. 

Finally about 9:30 she disappeared and I went to check on her and she was sound asleep. Whew

She loves it here. She’s got so many great memories of her family and friends spending time having fun and laughing. When this sells, I worry that she’ll go into a spiral. She’s said every day that she hopes it doesn’t sell. 

For Abbey’s sake, I hope it sells soon. 


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