Dreams and Things

 The second question this morning following “how did you sleep?” was “do you dream?” I said yes, I do, but I usually don’t remember them. Thirty seconds later - “do you dream?”. Same response.  We discussed dreams (the same conversation) 15-20 times today. 

I’m getting most of the same endless questions especially about DanaRiley-how old is she? and where did you get her from? Other endless questions pertain to my parents and siblings who she's met.  Also, today was the day she wanted to know if I ever ditched school. Of course I did, and relived it many, many times today. I’ll have more tomorrow on the issue of repeated questions.

Alene is definitely a dog person and she loved her Murphy-her Old English Sheepdog who was euthanized about 3 years ago. She desperately wants another dog most of the time. Her granddaughter, Michaela, who lives at the house is studying to be a pharmacist. She rescued an adorable, friendly pit bull named Ducky a couple years ago. Alene loves that dog and Ducky loves her. She lays on Alene’s lap every morning during coffee and reading the newspaper. A couple of things we’ve all tried to get through to Alene if she gets another dog:

1. She’d lose the cuddle time with Ducky if she has another pup on her lap. Ducky is so sweet and would be very jealous and doesn’t always get along with other dogs  

2. Caring for another dog at her age and in her condition is a concern, remembering to feed or feeding too much, etc  

3. If she did have to move into some facility, most don’t accept pets 

4. She’d love another ‘Murphy’, but there is no way she could handle a big dog, she couldn’t even walk Murphy-he pulled her down one time 10 years ago when I was there. He was big and so strong!

5. There’s no guarantee if she got an Old English, that he’d have the same personality as Murphy. She may be disappointed. 

6. She’s also talked about getting a very small lap dog as a puppy so she could train it like she wants. I’m 8 years younger than Alene and I’d NEVER get another puppy! They require too much of everything! DanaRiley will be my last I believe, and she’s 12, as I’ve said 100 times the last couple days 😊. 

All in all it was an okay day. We had several hours of porch time which was nice! 


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