
 Beef burritos for dinner, they were delicious!  Alene helped by frying up the ground beef. She also kept the kitchen clean and “Alene organized”.  She feels very good to be useful. In this environment, one that she’s accustomed to, she can be, and is, helpful - with supervision. 

She’s been quite confused most of the day. She thought we were leaving for Denver today. She thought the house showing was today. She thought we were seeing Greg today. She was running around her for a few hours until it finally “stuck” that all of this is tomorrow. I must’ve been asked 20 - 25 times if the showing was today. “No, it’s tomorrow afternoon.”   She told me her mind has too much in it that she can’t keep things straight. Crunch crunch. 

The other day, Alene’s friend Kaye, said she knows Alene hasn’t met a dog she doesn’t like or love. She’s very good and loving with DanaRiley and talks about Ducky, Michaela’s dog, all the time. I think she’s resigned to not getting another dog while Ducky is around. She adores Ducky so much and doesn’t want Ducky to get jealous or hurt her feelings. This is such a good thing!  Two weeks ago, she wanted two dogs. I know her mind could change, but for the last several days, Ducky is the deciding factor.  So, Michaela, if you’re reading this, you can’t plan on moving out for awhile! Alene couldn’t care properly for a dog in her dementia state. 

There are so very many repeated questions about DanaRiley every day. Occasionally, when I answer her, she’ll say, “oh yea, I remember.”  

I spoke with my friend, Julie, today and she’s a sweetheart. Her mom had dementia and Julie said she cries when she reads this blog because it reminds her of her Mom. Anyway, she’s going to get the names and addresses of a couple of memory care places her mom lived in her later years so I can share the info with Abbey.  Alene will fight this, and ANY help tooth and nail. 

Tonight has been a night for so many repeated family questions, like “did you ever resent any of your brothers or sisters?”, or “which sibling are you closest to?”, or “are you more like your mom or your dad?”, or “did you ever meet my sister Carol?” (many times!), or “did your brothers always get along?”, or “did you take family vacations?”  It’s never ending sometimes and they’re all questions that have been asked and answered a dozen times at least, just since I’ve been here.

I told Alene today that she turned the heat on and the temp up to 84 degrees last night. She couldn’t believe it and said “that could be dangerous!”  I said “ Yes, it could.”  When I told her I would’ve slept on the porch, she was mortified!

I’m close to going to bed because we need to be up early to leave here by around 10:00 am for the 4 hour drive to Denver. Now, at 9:30 pm, I’ll take DanaRiley out for her final potty walk and I’ll get sucked on by another 10 mosquitos. I have at least 15-20 bites on me at a time. It sucks! 


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