Evil Magic

 When we returned from our little outing today, we read awhile and fixed a delicious dinner. It was 95 degrees outside - way too hot for both of us so we didn’t get porch time today. 

Alene seemed confused and a bit disoriented while waiting for dinner. I asked her what was bothering her and she said she didn’t know what was going on. Ultimately she was dwelling on the CA trip and thought she was flying out there and then she was driving out there and flying back. 

I told her the plan again and how long we’d been discussing it. I asked her if she was up for it. She’s concerned about Jeanne, my friend in CA who we’re staying with and wanted to know if she’s okay with it. 

I asked her to think about this over the next few days and let me know if she wants to go. Frankly, she doesn’t know what she wants. She said “ you know I’m a lot of trouble don’t you?  Just ask Abbey.”

My thoughts:

I’ve witnessed a piece of her memory, her brain, just disappear like an evil magic trick. Only yesterday we were planning the drive to CA and today - POOF - it’s utterly and completely gone. WTF!

I’m still in shock. Yes, there are the endless questions and the repetitive conversations, but this blew me away. 

Dementia is an awful affliction not only for the patient, but for everyone in their circle. And, that circle gets smaller and smaller every day. 

I don’t know if we’ll make it to CA. If she decides to go, we’ll probably go. If she decides not to go, I’m not sure what I’ll do. 

Like I was advised by my doctor…”Be flexible”. 


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