
 Green River Utah, first overnight stop and we made it safe and sound around 3:00 pm. We left the house around 7:45 am and made a few stops—-one for petrol, one to get a breakfast sandwich and a couple stops for DanaRiley to eat, pee and poop. That was fine though because it gave us a chance to stretch our legs and walk a bit— not too much though because it’s 100 degrees outside!

Alene was a dream to travel with today. She was alert, engaged, curious and talkative! Yes, there have been a few repeated questions like “How did you sleep?”. She asked that maybe 10-15 times this morning.  That’s okay, it stopped this afternoon. She talked about the majestic rocky mountains, the beautiful trees and those that are dying, the gorgeous rock mountains in eastern Utah, roadkill, and different sights along the way. She was almost her old self. 

DanaRiley was such a good girl in the car too!  

I’m going to go now to pick up dinner from “The best restaurant in town “ according to the front desk clerk. It’s across the street. 

The confusion is setting in. I know Alene is tired.  Dinner was okay; we both had a dinner salad, and she had a Reuben and I had a BLT. After finishing dinner, Alene spent about 30 minutes exercising?? She said she was stiff.  I’ve NEVER heard of her, or seen her, do exercises so I asked where she learned the exercises and she responded, “This is nothing! I’ve been doing it for a long time “. Okay. I said nothing else.  Good for her!

It will be an early night since we’re getting on the road as early as possible…whatever that means, hopefully no later than 7:30 am. We’ll be in the car longer tomorrow to get to Henderson NV. And it will be a hotter drive with the temp in Henderson forecasted to be 108 degrees about the time we arrive. Ugh  I’m such a lightweight 😁

Damn, I thought I’d have a day without the question “How old is DanaRiley?” It just happened with a barrage of other questions about my sweet pup that have been asked and answered numerous times. 

Again, Alene is getting tired and her dementia is much more pronounced. I’m going to encourage her to shower and hit the sack. I could go to sleep now and it’s only 7:00 pm. 

I took DanaRiley for her final potty walk and when I returned to our room, Alene was in the bathroom; my assumption she was showering. About 20-25 minutes later, she came out of the bathroom and was pretty agitated. She said, “good luck, nothing works.” She was in only blouse and panties and as she was getting into bed I asked her if she was going to put on her nightgown. She said no, that she’d gotten it all wet.  I went to brush my teeth, and I’m not sure what she had issues with, but I don’t think the shower was turned on, the water appeared to have been though. I told her she probably has another nightgown in her suitcase and she just waved her hand and crawled into bed. I said I’d help her turn on the shower in the morning. So she’s sleeping in her blouse that she wore all day. 

(I attempted to load a video of the exercising, but it may not play. She did some exercises laying down and some standing.)

All in all, it’s been a good day and I’m so grateful.


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