
Alene is very bothered that I accepted the money from the kid who bought the trailer. I needed to count the cash, which she admittedly couldn’t do. I told her I’d give her the money in Denver (I wanted witnesses). 

She brought it up several times and when I explained, she seemed okay with the plan. Then tonight, Dan the mower man, shows up on his riding mower and she quickly grabbed her wallet to give him money. I maybe shouldn’t have, but went outside and intervened. She was going to pay him more. He even said, “You’re giving me more money?”  I asked what he charges to mow and what she owed him after today. He said she owed him x amount and then changed his mind saying he’d owe her. Frankly neither of them could balance it out. He asked for a beer and she asked me to go get one for him. We have none. I left them to talk and came inside. 

Alene came in and said she feels sorry for Dan. Then she talked about the kid yesterday who bought the trailer and again couldn’t figure out why he gave me the money. I went and got the cash he paid for the trailer and handed it to her. 

I don’t want to be in charge of her finances. It’s caused enough friction. 

We went into town today and shared a sandwich from Arby’s and let DanaRiley run in a fenced in baseball field. She had a blast!

We fixed our pork green chili and Alene did a great job shredding the pork and then skinning and chopping the jalapeƱo’s I had blistered.  We had the green chili and a salad for dinner and it was delicious!

This morning she thought she was 56 years old. Then this afternoon, she remembered she’s 76!  Yea! First time she got it right. She said she remembered what I’d told her this morning!


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