
It’s overcast now, but earlier the sun was shining and it was about 65 degrees-perfect for a morning walk. That is until we had to avoid the huge ‘mini lakes’ in the road created by last night’s storm and then we came up to Yukon’s house and I heard that big bark coming from the porch. Nervously, DanaRiley and I continued walking. I kept looking over my shoulder and then realized Yukon was tied up. Whew. Still, I’m not sure it’s safe to keep going that way. Too bad because that’s the only decent walk we can get around here. 

Alene is bright and cheery this morning! I believe she must’ve slept like a baby. She’s asked me 4-5 times already if I’m ready for breakfast, so she must be hungry, even though she says she’s not yet, I think just to agree with me. We’ll have breakfast soon, I’m sure. 

Breakfast is complete!  I asked her if she’d like a yogurt and she said yes, that sounded good. She opened the Yoplait, and asked me if I was having yogurt. I told her “no, I don’t care for it.”  She looked at her open container of yogurt and said “Damn, I guess I have to eat it now.” She enjoyed it!

Yesterday, Moe, the A/C guy added some Freon so the unit is working better and the air is cooler. Alene’s chair is right next to a floor vent so she feels the cool air first when the a/c is running. Well, last night it was storming, but still warm outside, 75 degrees, when we were getting ready to hit the sack. The a/c had just run a cycle and she was cool from the air by her chair. So she’s heading down the hall and stops by the thermostat and turns it from 72 degrees to 84 degrees and switches it from cool to heat. I asked her why and she said it was cold and there’s a bad storm outside. I said yes, but it’s still 75 degrees out and neither of us like to sleep hot. I told her once she gets under the covers, she’ll warm up.  She said “whatever” and went to bed. I switched it back to a cool 72 degrees and said nitey nite.  

We’re leaving for Denver tomorrow. Alene’s son, Greg, and his wife, Lisa, are driving in from Tucson for several days. Alene is really excited to see him. Then, Wednesday, the 27th, we’ll head to California. Our first night on the road will be Green River, UT and our second night will be in Henderson, NV. We’ll be at Jeanne’s Friday. After a conversation with Jeanne yesterday, we decided to plan on us staying one week and play it by ear as far as a second week. I don’t want to overwhelm either Jeanne or Alene. 

I’m excited! I think I’m looking forward to the drive with Alene, and I am looking forward to seeing Jeanne. It’s been 7 years since dad and I trekked to CA and stayed with her. Alene is really excited too. She’s begun to bring it up frequently. 

Abbey just let us know the realtor called and there’s a showing tomorrow afternoon! Yea! Alene thinks the showing is today and thinks we’re leaving here today. She’s in cleaning mode because “the realtor will be her this afternoon”.  I’ve reminded her 4-5 times that it’s tomorrow. My fingers are crossed that this place will sell. 

I just asked her how old she is today, and without hesitation she said 76!  I said “Amazing!”  She said, “ Somethings just stick like the fat on my bottom!” We both laughed!


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