
This is a quick post. We were having coffee and I was reading on the porch this morning when Alene said “Diane, look to the right of that big tree on the grass. What is that?”  We both said “A snake” at the same time.

Aaaccckk! Neither of us are fond of these creatures and that’s putting it mildly. I texted Abbey and Doug for suggestions. Hmmm…get a shovel was Abbey’s response. Doug had some smart ass comment about it being Alene’s pet named Herman and Alene said she’d go get the riding mower. A few years ago when she was mowing, she accidentally mowed over a snake once. To put it out of its misery, she went ahead and mowed over it twice more. 

By the time we considered our options, Herman had slithered his way out of the yard, across the driveway and into the neighbor’s field. Hopefully he doesn’t return especially because of DanaRiley. 

I have a couple videos of Herman, the snake, but they won’t load  🤨


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