
DanaRiley and I walked in this cool 62 degree morning for over a mile and it was so refreshing and peaceful. She was so tired, she didn’t move 2 inches all night!  

It’s pretty hot outside so DanaRiley and I are staying in for the most part. Greg and Lisa brought their Great Dane / Irish Wolfhound mix named Hurlee. She is such a sweet dog! They stay outside in the shade with her and everyone else comes in for food and to cool off, then they go back out. We aren’t going to introduce the two dogs because they know, and I know, they wouldn’t get along.

 Doug has spent hours trying to fix Michaela’s car-he thinks it’s the thermostat. Poor guy, he’s the only one sweating outside, and the only one who’s got to actually go to work tomorrow. It was hilarious last night; Doug was exhausted and had a couple cocktails after dinner when he fell asleep on the couch. So Abbey put an earring in a hole in his ear that’s never closed up from when he had it pierced many years ago, and Michaela painted his fingernails and toenails a pretty pink!  I had taken DanaRiley for a walk and came back to quiet, (quiet because they didn’t want to wake him). hysterical laughing! Well he did wake up and was such a good sport being embarrassed and a bit mortified. He removed the nail polish this morning even though we were all quite fond of it!

DanaRiley and I are going to my brother (David) and sister in laws (Kelly) for dinner tonight. He’s my baby brother and such a sweetheart!  It’ll be good to see them! 

Alene isn’t nearly as confused and distraught today. She slept for 11-12 hours and has enjoyed being with her family. However, she still got many things mixed up and turned around.  I feel so bad for her most of the time.

Greg and Lisa are vegan and bring their own food that they’ve prepared.  Michaela is a pescatarian-a vegetarian who eats seafood.  She fixed herself lunch and asked me if I’d like to try it and it was good! Toasted sourdough bread with peanut butter and dill pickle chips!! I’d definitely have it again!

Well, I’m back from David and Kelly’s. We had a nice dinner and a great visit!

Michaela’s car is fixed🤞. She’ll probably know for sure tomorrow. 

Everyone is tired and in bed. I’m going to call it a night also. 

Kelly, David and me.

Greg and Hurlee


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