Kitchen Dangers

 It’s a beautiful morning! The temperature is 54 degrees now, but it was 48 when DanaRiley and I walked around 6:15 am. There wasn’t any wind so it was perfect walking weather. We actually got about a mile in and it felt so good!

It’s supposed to be cooler today so we’re going to make some pork green chili. I use my brother Mark’s recipe and it’s delicious. Also, it’s something Alene and I can do together. I cooked the pork roast yesterday so it just needs to be shredded and then we can prepare the remainder. 

She wants and needs to feel useful. However, there are many things in the kitchen she shouldn’t do without someone constantly watching her. She left a gas burner on the other day and it scared me a bit. Abbey told me that one day she melted a microwaveable dish on the gas burner. It’s a good thing Abbey was home! Alene has always been a wonderful cook, but now she struggles to follow a recipe. So when we made the quiche last week, I gave her one thing to do at a time and she did great. I’ll do the same today. 

I’d like to go to town today and walk around. I think she’ll be up for it after she wakes up and has her coffee.

Alene is awake and drinking coffee. She’s quiet this morning….and she’s 56 years old she said when I asked. A couple of times when I’ve told her she’s 76, she’s remembered the big cake Abbey got her for her 75th birthday that she loved!

More later…


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