
 DanaRiley and I saw Steve and Yukon on our morning walk we just returned from. We met them the other day when Yukon, an Australian Shepherd, charged us on the dirt road that we walk on. We were on a mid day walk and here she comes, barrelling right at us. I went into panic mode and DanaRiley went into killer mode. Yukon started circling us inching closer and closer. I know this breed are herding animals. I’m holding DanaRiley tight on her leash and she’s not making it easy. I hear someone calling the dog but she’s not paying much attention to him. I finally see from the corner of my eye, another human. I got my feet tangled doing these circles and I want down, flat on my back. I held onto DanaRiley as this elderly man approaches and admonishes his dog. He grabs my arm and said “Let her pee and then I’ll get her away.”—which she did, and he did. I sat up and caught my breath, then stood. I was a bit shaken, but okay. I only had one scrape on my leg. We said our goodbyes and came back to the FF.  

This morning, they were returning from somewhere in the car and he stopped and asked if I was okay after the other day. I asked his name and the dog’s name. Steve seems to be a nice man, but I doubt I’ll ever trust Yukon.

 I should be carrying mace.

Last night before Alene went to bed, she said she’d already forgotten what she did with the money I’d given to her from the sale of the trailer. She said she was going to go find it and give it to me to hold for her. She never brought me the money. She needs to find it so we can bring it to Denver.

Yesterday, before we left for our little outing to Ogalalla, she told me she couldn’t find her purse. So we both started looking. We looked in cabinets and drawers and she even tore apart her bed. I’d asked her early in the search if she checked her closet and she said yes. I asked if she checked under her bed and she said she’d never put it there. That was interesting because a few days earlier she handed me her purse and asked me to put it under her bed. So I checked, and it wasn’t there. We’d been looking for close to 30 minutes and I asked if she’d mind if checked her closet. “No, you can look, but I’ve checked there three times.”  So I opened her closet door and there’s her purse. I said “found it!”. She asked where it was and I told her. She said she didn’t put it there, she never does.  I said nothing so we left. 

She also told me last night that I don’t understand the friendship she has with Dan the mower man. She’s right, I don’t, but I’m trying.  She said he saved her life. I inquired how he saved her life and she wouldn’t tell me. I hate to see her being taken advantage of, but these two do have a special connection. I’ll try not to bring him up again to her. 

It’s supposed to be hot and very windy today. We don’t have any specific plans so we’ll see what the day brings!


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