More Of My Family

For those reading this blog, thank you. This is my 33rd post.  I’ve learned from some readers that they are not getting all of the posts. I started posting maybe twice a day. There were 5 or 6 days they I posted 3 times.  Many days there has been only one post. Because of the functionality of this platform, and for ease of use, I will be posting one time per day going forward unless I note it in the blog. By the way, the posts are there, it just takes som searching.  

Today has been calm and quiet.  Abbey took Alene for routine bloodwork and to the bank this morning. DanaRiley and I walk about 1 1/2 miles on a trail behind their house  it was cool and lovely outside. There have been coyotes it the open space behind this neighborhood so Doug gave me Mace to carry on the trail walks. Nope, we didn’t see any coyotes. We had veggie quiche and a salad for dinner. Alene was very helpful in the kitchen shredding cheese, slicing zucchini and mushrooms and cleaning up. She needed help with the shredder and asked a lot of questions as we prepared the quiche. Again, under supervision, she’s a great prep cook!

This afternoon, I saw my brother Steve and sister in law Connie at their chiropractic clinic and got adjusted. I was fortunate to get to see my niece, Melissa, and two of her three kids, Rayleigh , almost 18, and Charlie, 5.  It’s (almost😁) always good to see my family!

Left to right, Melissa, Steve, Rayleigh, Charlie and Connie  

Tomorrow, Tuesday, I’m going to prepare to leave for California.  I’ll get mine and DanaRiley’s things packed and hopefully we can get Alene’s stuff packed so I can load the car before dark.  It’s going to be another hot day.  🥵

Abbey saves all of the morning newspapers (The Denver Post) for Alene when she is out of town. So today Alene spent hours perusing those papers from the two weeks we were at the FF.  I’m not sure if she’s done reading them or not. I don’t think she retains much though.

Her friend, Kay, called her today just to visit.  Every. Single. Time. Alene has a conversation on the phone, I have that epiphany moment all over again where she sounds so normal on the phone and then there’s real life. I told Abbey it just blows me away and she said “I know”.

Abbey and I also talked to Alene about the trip to CA. I want her to know that if she, at any time, is too overwhelmed to continue, we will turn around and come back.  I also wanted her to know that the same applies to me.  If, at any time, I feel we shouldn’t continue, or once we get there we shouldn’t stay, we’ll come home.  No hard feelings.  She agreed.  Not sure if she’ll remember any of it, but I feel better having had the conversation.

DanaRiley is still 12 today. She asked me 3 or 4 times.


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