
 It’s almost 9:30 am on Saturday. Alene has been up for about an hour and a half and it’s crazy but everything about her and our conversations this morning have been as close to normal as possible. 

She remembers things from yesterday, like calling my brother Mark and leaving him a funny messages and that cousin Doug is coming this afternoon. 

She hasn’t gotten that big eyed stare once like she’s trying to figure out what I’ve said. 

There have been ZERO of the endless questions that I’ve experienced every other morning since I’ve been here!

She said she slept well. 

Now, I know not to expect this to last long, but my sweet friend is herself for a bit of time and I’m smiling. ☺️ 


  1. Diane, thank you for doing this blog. I feel like I'm right there beside you as you're on this journey with Alane. You must be experiencing a myriad of emotions. I admire and respect you for what you're doing with her and for her. You are a wonderful friend and she's so fortunate to have you. I'm sure you consider yourself fortunate as well to have had her as a true friend all these years. :)


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