She’s Still 12

 Yep, DanaRiley is still 12, and I still rescued her from the same place and yes, I do dream but usually don’t remember them. Questions every day…multiple times in a day.  It’s okay though, I get it and I don’t get snippy nor do I say “you just asked me that”.  I simply answer the question with a smile.  Or at least I try to smile 😁

When Alene asked me the dream question yesterday, I asked her the same question-does she dream? She said yes, she dreams a lot, she remembers them most of the time and they’re almost always good dreams. 

This morning when she asked me the dream question, my response was the same. So I asked her the same question back and her response was so different. She said she rarely dreams and when she does they’re not good dreams. She couldn’t describe one to me though. She said she wants to forget them. 

I’ve noticed this when discussing other things as well. She changes her answers. Another example is yesterday she told me she doesn’t always eat breakfast because she doesn’t really enjoy it no matter what she’s having for the meal.  Today, she LOVES breakfast-it’s her favorite meal of the day and always eats breakfast. Both days she ate a bowl of raisin bran with a piece of dark rye toast.

I don’t remember her ever doing this in the past so I’m wondering if it’s related to dementia. Maybe her brain is working to fill in some blanks and she just says whatever? I don’t know.

Alene was up at 7:30 this morning, probably because I’m here. She did admit she sleeps later at home.  Anyway, she’s tired today and it’s been a cool(er), cloudy day. She calls it dreary-I love it!  She took about an hour nap awhile ago but I’m betting it’ll be an early night.

Serious conversation with DanaRiley 


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