
Tuesday was a pretty good day…until it wasn’t. . Greg, Alene’s son, came to spend the day and Kylie, granddaughter spent most of the day here as well. I was able to sneak away for a very quick lunch with Jill, my dear friend from Grease Monkey. 

Alene was quiet. She told Abbey she didn’t sleep because she was worried about the trip to CA. 

There are quite a few flowering plants in the backyard the Alene feels responsible for.  She’d brought up that she needs to water them because that darn Doug turns off the sprinklers to save water—he doesn’t. So even though the flowers are watered am and pm, she went out and watered in the middle of the day for 20 minutes. Once it’s in her mind, sometimes it’s so much easier to go with it.  “Pick your battles” as they say. 

Packing was quite the ordeal. Abbey helped her for awhile, then I helped her for awhile. Alene was totally and completely overwhelmed with the task. She needed to walk away from her confusion…and did. She had soooo many clothes sitting out and in her bedroom and in her suitcase, I was overwhelmed. We had a large stack of jeans and pants on her bed that she’d decided not to bring, so sweet Kylie quietly went down and hung them up. Out of sight, out of mind. A couple hours later, Abbey and Alene packed. There were still clothes removed from her suitcase when Alene was in the shower. I mean, who needs 20 panties and 15 pair of socks?

Then just before bedtime, we couldn’t find her purse…again. Abbey, Alene and I searched drawers, closets, bathrooms, upstairs and downstairs. Finally Abbey found it  behind a chair in a dark part of a sitting room.  Whew  

We were all tired, it was around 10:00 pm . Abbey guided Alene to her bedroom for hopefully a good slumber. 

Michaela (granddaughter) came in my room to say goodbye since I wouldn’t see her before we leave.  She’s an introvert, she’s brilliant and has a very tough exterior. We began to talk and she started to cry, no she sobbed. I told her to let it out and she did,  I thanked her for the snot she left on my night shirt!  We laughed and talked more for about 45 minutes. I’ll post more later on our conversation with her permission.

I was too tired to finish this post last night so it’s Wednesday morning and we’ll be leaving within the hour.  I asked Alene a few minutes ago if she was excited.  She paused and said “ yes, excited, a little scared and nervous.”  I said,  “ That”s okay, I feel the same.”

More from the road…


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