
Here’s Alene sitting on the back patio on a beautiful morning. It’s quiet, peaceful and just simply lovely. 

I think I know why Alene has been a bit quiet since we’ve been here. She hasn’t had much of a chance to talk.

Jeanne has lived in this house alone for the last twelve years. She had a sweet dog until three years ago, so she did speak dog talk, but otherwise she hasn’t had a lot of human contact or conversations. Yes, I call her every few weeks and she has a great neighbor who watches over her regularly and one or two other friends who call occasionally. So with us here, she’s like the energizer bunny with a brand new victim to spew her life stories to…and she has, and continues to do so. Jeanne is so appreciative that Alene doesn’t remember most of what she heard from Jeanne yesterday or even 10 minutes ago and Jeanne is delighted to share it all over again when Alene asks her a question!  Alene has been such a good listener as Jeanne's verbose nature takes over. By the way, Jeanne reads this blog and is very well aware I’m writing about her AND she doesn’t disagree with anything I’ve said in this paragraph. 😊

It was another perfect morning for walking and DanaRiley (12, yes I was asked) and I strolled and sniffed for almost 1 1/2 miles. That’s getting close to her limit before limping.  She’s been such a good girl! We went on several shorter neighborhood walks throughout the day that were hot, but nice.

There’s a new season of The Bear out now on Hulu, so for Alene’s benefit, we started over with Season 1, Episode 1 and watched 2 or 3 episodes.  I’m not sure it’s a good show for Alene to watch because it moves pretty fast and I don’t think she can keep up. I’ll talk to her in the morning and see what she says. I’m pretty sure she won’t admit it though. She’ll say to just watch what we want. She does NOT want to be any trouble.

Hopefully we can get out and do a few things this week that we’ll all enjoy and be capable of doing, even if it’s just sightseeing. Alene mentioned tonight that she thought we were leaving day after tomorrow. I told her I didn’t want to be traveling the highways on the few days before and after July 4th. She told me a bit later that she thought it was September. 

Hopefully more patio time in the morning…


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