
Alene was a bit out of sorts today; tired and quiet. I don’t think she slept well. We put in a dvd this afternoon and she slept through most of it. 

She told me also, that she’d finished her book- the John Grisham one. Her bookmark was at about the 2/3 mark so I know she didn’t finish it. I did finish my book today and she asked to read it. I know she won’t because there’s all these Russian names that I had a tough time following. The book bounces around from years past to the present day which may be confusing for her. Oh well, she can try, right?

There wasn’t any conversation about Dan the mower man or the money for the trailer. However, The a/c repairman, Mo, came today so she pulled out her wallet to pay him and I saw the envelope that holds the trailer money. As long as she doesn’t decide to move/hide the envelope, it will make it to Denver and she and Abbey can deposit into Alene’s account. 

There are many things I’ve noticed this trip with Alene that are foreign to me. One thing, and she’s not done this, that I remember, for all the years I’ve known her, is that she changes her mind on a whim. For instance, there are several containers of yogurt in the refrigerator. I’m not a yogurt lover and I know she does like it. But once I told her I don’t care for yogurt, she suddenly hates it. The next morning, and the next, she’ll ask me if I want a yogurt and I say “no thanks”. She’ll ask me if I like yogurt and I’ll say no. She’ll put hers back in the refrigerator and won’t eat it because “she doesn’t like it”. Of course this doesn’t pertain to everything, but there have been 6 or 7 things, not just food either, that she’s changed her mind based on what I say. It’s almost like she doesn’t remember if she likes things or not, but wants to go with the flow.

There’s still a lot of yogurt in the fridge. 

I think one of the traits of a dementia patient is that they have a difficult time focusing - like reading a book or watching a movie.  However, on the flip side, they obsess about things big time!  As Abbey puts it, Alene becomes “hyper-focused” on certain events or actions or conversations and can’t let them go. I’ll give examples as we spend more time together but for now, what I’ve noticed is that when this happens, the ONLY thing she hears, is the voice in her head. No matter what is said, or who says it, it doesn’t matter.  She only hears and pays attention to her head voice. It can be exhausting because that’s all she’ll talk about until there’s some sort of resolution she’s happy with. 

It’s 9:15 pm and there’s a big storm happening outside right now. Lightening, thunder, wind and heavy rain.  I don’t mind a storm, but please no tornados!

Watching a movie


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