
 Today was a rest day. Pretty uneventful except Abbey and I waded in Kylie’s Pink Flamingo in 100 degre temperatures!  I did about 30 minutes and she was outside for hours.  She’s a worker bee and can’t be still for very long.

Let me tell you a bit about Abbey:

She stays constantly busy doing something productive and it’s usually for someone else. She works hard and fast no matter what it is that she’s doing. She’s a school teacher and teaches mentally challenged youngsters every single day during the school year. She’s extremely organized and, from my perspective, she’d have to be to get accomplished the amount of things she does. 

She LOVES her family and is a fiercely protective mama bear when it comes to Michaela and Kylie…even though they’re adults. They call to check in every day and to share their daily lives with one another.

Abbey is loving and caring to her core. She would do just about anything for someone in her inner circle. She’ll do whatever she can for her mom, even if it hurts her own heart. She’s got a tough road ahead, but she’s a warrior and she’ll figure things out as Alene’s disease continues to progress. Abbey will absolutely do whatever is right for her own Mom, Alene. 

She’s compassionate, thoughtful, sensitive and most of all, she’s a very strong independent woman.

I’m proud to call her my friend. 

Abbey and I in the pink flamingo

Abbey’s narration for Kylie.


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