
Kylie, Alene’s youngest granddaughter, is a 22 year old ball of fire! She’s very outgoing and bubbly and brings out the best in all who are in her presence. She is smart, kind, funny and tough as nails. She worked her butt off to become a firefighter and she loves it! I have little doubt she’s very good at her job. 

She moved out into an apartment of her own within the last year and is saving for her future.  She has an adorable boyfriend, Dom; they’ve been together 4 years I believe. Dom is training to be a firefighter also.  

Kylie is very good to Alene, but Alene, when she’s been in an “episode”, has said very mean and hateful things to both Kylie and Michaela, let alone their mom, Abbey.  Alene remembers none of these things she’s said and is shocked when told. 

Living out of the house, Kylie can now walk away if she chooses and often isn’t there now when things get ugly. I’m so happy she’s able to leave, she’s seen and heard enough of that.

 This girl has her shit together!    

Today was pretty uneventful, lots more chatting, TV, eating, and me walking DanaRiley. It was a bit cooler today-it didn’t get to 100 degrees! Lisa, Jeanne’s former dog walker stopped by for her Julian pie and stayed awhile. She has her own pet boarding business and trims dog and cat nails.  She actually dremeled DanaRiley’s nails for me.

The mobile car detailer did come to the house today and my car is so clean and sparkly!! All the bugs are gone! YEA! One thing I never realized—-my car has been in the driveway since arriving. When the sprinklers were on, yes, it got wet, and then dried quickly in the sun. With the extreme heat, the water drops penetrated the outer coat so the water spots remained when I first checked on the kid doing my car. Ultimately, I paid extra to get them buffed out. I’m now parked in the middle of the driveway so I doubt the sprinklers will get to my car. 🤞

Alene rarely gets up from her chair and when she does, I’m so afraid she’s going to fall. She needs one of those chairs that help you stand up. Abbey and Doug have suggested one and Alene got angry. I’m going to work on it to see if I can help change her mind.  She’ll even refrain from drinking water so she doesn’t have to get up to pee. 

I know she’d like to walk more, but she struggles, and to go outside and walk, UGH, it’s sooo hot!  She told me last night she feels like she’s ’put on the pounds’ on this trip and she’d like to walk more.  Tomorrow I’ll see if she wants to take a short stroll with me and DanaRiley.

I met Jeanne through her sister, Mary. I worked with Mary at Pala Casino and we became friends. Alene met Mary once in 2010 at my house when I lived here and Alene was in CA to help me after I had surgery. Anyway, Alene, in conversation, will call Jeanne -Mary. It happens several times a day. Jeanne graciously corrects her and Alene feels terrible, for a minute, until it happens again.

I’m not sure tomorrow will be much different than today, but Monday, the ocean and sand are calling my name! 


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