Seven Trains

We had an EXCITING excursion to Ogallala today!  We went to the sports complex and let DanaRiley run around the baseball field untethered.  She was a puppy again for a few short minutes. Abbey and Alene shopped for a few items at Walmart while I waited in the car with my pup; we got coffee and headed back to the FF. It doesn’t take much to amuse us!

When we got home, Abbey bravely broached the subject again of home health care. Although Alene doesn’t want help, she did kind of agree to 4 hours a day. Now, if she’ll remember this…??? Who knows. Either way, it has to happen and it will be so much easier if she agrees to it.  She was even joking around when discussing the type of person she’d like to help, some of which I won’t repeat! 🤪 She did say “okay, if I can get a dog!”  Abbey said “what about Ducky?”  Alene said she wouldn’t do anything to hurt Ducky’s feelings. No dog for now.

Alene has a constant need to be helpful and productive. She spent time in the garage, went out to use the edger/trimmer while Abbey mowed the grass. Abbey trimmed yesterday so Alene unwound and wound up two extension cords, took out the blower to blow the garage floor, then changed her mind and said the floor looked fine.

She helped me prepare quiche and a salad for dinner. Many times she forgets what she’s doing and why and starts something else or stands, staring at the cheese she was grating wondering what it’s for and why she’s grating it. She feels good helping out, but must be monitored, especially in the kitchen. She really struggles to stay focused and on task. But when something is bothering her, she won’t forget it until it’s resolved. Like the tree guy: the trees need trimming and Abbey called last week. Alene couldn’t understand why he hadn’t called back the past couple of days even though it was the weekend. Alene didn’t let it go…

The tree guy came today after Abbey called again and gave a quote…thank goodness!

The quiche and salad were delicious!

In our travels, I’d place my coffee cup, for example, in the back cup holder. She’d drink my coffee. So she asked me if I’d place my cup in the front cup holder, it’d be easier for her. No problem. She still drank my coffee. I’d been leaving my toothbrush and toothpaste on the bathroom counter. Alene uses an electric brush. That is until this morning when she used my toothbrush. My fault, I shouldn’t have left it there. These things just don’t occur to her. I didn’t say anything because she’d get upset with herself, I just removed my things from the bathroom.

I showed this quote to Alene.  She said “Exactly”. 

The weather is cooling down and definitely more seasonal. My drive back should be good, better than the Mojave desert! 

One more full day here…my wish is that Alene, Abbey and I have a great day!  

Yesterday’s Ages

Alene- 76 (correct!)





Today’s Ages

Alene-76 (again correct!)


Doug-12 (because he acts it) but really 39



DanaRiley -6


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