Shake and Shimmy

When we were driving over the Rocky Mountains going downhill at 50-65 mph a few weeks ago, I noticed my car begin to shimmy and shake a bit. I wasn’t terribly concerned but it never left my mind. It never happened again in the mountains of Utah or the Baker Grade this side of Las Vegas or the Cajon Pass north of San Bernardino. I took my car in for an oil change today and mentioned it to them and they said it could be warped brake rotors due to excessive heat. It turns out my rotors are fine. I asked them to check the lug nuts and the balance of the tires. They’re keeping my car overnight to check those and a few other things just in case. I’m not terribly worried, but I will feel better to have these things checked out. I have not told Alene in the event she’ll hyper-focus on this, which is common for her and the last thing I need on the drive back.  I’m also getting my car detailed on Saturday.  A car drives so much better when it sparkles on the outside and is spotless inside!

Jeanne was an angel today to stay at the house with Alene while I went to get my hair cut and a get a much needed pedicure. It was nice to have a couple hours to pamper and be alone with my thoughts without worry.

Alene has commented many times on how amazing Jeanne’s house is. It’s a nice ranch, open concept home purchased in 2002. Her home in Highlands Ranch is beautiful, but the homes are different. Jeanne has many tchotchkes throughout every room and those and the colors throughout, (blues, greens, orange and yellows), in her home are ocean and beach themed. I think Alene is captivated by the differences. 

Alene knew her age and mine today. She was close on Jeanne’s and thought DanaRiley is 14.  She’s 12, in case you didn’t know. 😜

I ask Alene several times a day about her liquid intake. The past few days she’s said she doesn’t want to drink too much because she’ll have to get up to go to the bathroom. I know her left knee is bothering her and I’ve had to help her get up out of a chair or off the sofa a few times. It may take her a good 45-60 seconds to be able to take a tiny step. She’ll sit in the recliner for hours without moving. Abbey has made a doctor’s appointment for her when she gets back home. It may be bursitis—-hopefully nothing more serious.

Her constant question of the day was “What day is it, Saturday or Sunday?” 

We’re planning an adventure tomorrow to Julian, CA.


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