Tooth and Nail

I think this trip has stimulated Alene. She’s been very engaged in conversations with Jeanne and listens to Jeanne’s endless medical history and stories every day, most of them repeated over and over again. Yes, once in awhile, Alene will ask questions and make comments, which fuels Jeanne’s fire to talk and Alene’s need to be included. Jeanne has been so wonderful with Alene…very kind, attentive and patient. 

Jeanne is feeling better today, she says she has a bit of a head cold and doesn’t want us to leave this weekend. So the plan is still to depart California on Wednesday. 

We had a pretty quiet day here. It was 105 degrees this afternoon, (124 in Palm Springs!), so we spent time visiting and watching movies. 

The subject of Dan the Mower Man came up a couple of days ago. Alene does remember that he’s not my favorite person because I feel he takes advantage of her. She laughs in a sinister manner and says, “Diane, you just don’t understand.”  She’s right, I don’t. Anyway, Jeanne has a gardner named Caesar who has been her gardner for over 15 years. Caesar and Jeanne have an interesting relationship to put it mildly. I can’t possibly list all of the issues there have been, so let’s just say that both Perla, Jeanne’s neighbor, and I think that Caesar has a “thing” for Jeanne!  We tease her about it, but for all the tongue lashings Jeanne has given Caesar for basic incompetence, he takes it every time. She’s his “wanna be dominatrix” and he loves it.  Jeanne will NEVER let Caesar take advantage of her, financially or otherwise. 

Abbey has been considering bringing a home healthcare aide in during the day for 5 or 6 hours when she goes back to school in August. I believe the consensus is that Alene should not be left alone in the house. There have been a few close calls, mostly related to the gas stove. Also, the risk of her falling increases every day. With Abbey’s permission, I asked Jeanne to talk to Alene about this subject. Alene and Jeanne are close in age and Jeanne can word things so Alene understands and really hasn’t much choice but to agree. That conversation began today and will continue until we leave so hopefully it “sticks” in her brain. Then Abbey (and maybe me) can talk to Alene about it before I head back to NC where she won’t fight it tooth and nail. (Where did that phrase, “tooth and nail”  originate?) More to come on that subject as things progress. 

DanaRiley was 30 in the morning and 14 in the afternoon
Ducky was 5
Jeanne was 72
I was 63
Abbey was 43
Doug, Alene’s cousin was 64 (actually 49)
Alene knew she was 76

DanaRiley was 5 in the morning and 7 in the afternoon 
Ducky was 2
Jeanne was 74
I was 90 
Doug was 46 
Alene was 75

-DanaRiley  is 60% cocker spaniel and 40% boston terrier 
-I've had her 4 years and got her from a lady in McCormick SC who thought she was rescuing a 10 lb. dog, not 35 lbs. 
-Ducky is a sweet, albeit small, pit bull
-Jeanne used to have 2 cocker spaniels, Snicker Doodle and Bailey

All these are questions are asked and answered multiple times a day…among many others.


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